How to clean up your iPhone when it has run out of space

Posted by promacnyc on August 4, 2015 in Backup, How-To, Mac, Maintenance, Tips |

  A lot of people find out that their iPhone or iPad has run of of space and they have no idea why this is, or what to do about it. Simply put, your iPhone or iPad is not something with infinite space. When you got it, it came with a certain amount of storage space […]

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Things everyone should know for word processing: Keyboard Shortcuts

Posted by promacnyc on July 21, 2014 in How-To, Mac, Tips |

This is a very useful Post via Macworld THE #1 THING I AGREE WITH 100% – YOU SHOULD LEARN AND USE AT LEAST A FEW KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS! Why Use Keyboard Shortcuts? When I’m in the flow of writing, there’s nothing worse than having to lift my fingers from the keyboard, grab the mouse, and click to select, […]

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Fake Emails: Phishing campaign targets Google Docs, Drive users

Posted by promacnyc on March 17, 2014 in Tips |

I’ve been seeing this a few times now where I get an email with a Client’s name or someone I know with subject heading like: “”I’ve Shared A Document” or “Important Doc File”. The body of the email has a link to click on. It looks legit – BUT ITS NOT! DON’T CLICK ON IT. They are […]

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Fix for Java Web Plug-In problem with Mountain Lion

Posted by promacnyc on October 9, 2013 in Fix, How-To, Mac, Tips |

The verizon site I use to check my Verizon Voice Mail no longer seemed to work. I remembered I had done a Software Update about Java 7; afterwards I could no longer listen to my voice messages on my Verizon voice mail! Argh! I knew the Verizon site was always funky and barely worked. Safari […]

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TIP: How to Fix Missing iTunes Album Art

Posted by promacnyc on November 20, 2011 in Fix, How-To, Mac, Maintenance, software, Tips |

Here’s a TIP on How to Fix Missing iTunes Album Art: Sometimes iTunes “Get Artwork” function does not get the right album cover artwork, or even worse, sometimes it doesn’t get any. One can fix this pretty easily via this nifty (free!) Dashboard Widget:   “Amazon Album Art widget makes filling in the gaps in […]

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I like ALFRED !!

Posted by promacnyc on September 24, 2011 in How-To, Mac, software, Tips |

   Like? Actually no, I confess,  I LOVE ALFRED !      And for good reason! Alfred, your “Butler” Mac App is easy to love. Once you get used to using it you can’t live without it.  I know I can’t live without it. I use it constantly. Many Mac users have a hard time finding applications if […]

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TIP: How to fix Lost Connection / Magic Mouse

Posted by promacnyc on August 4, 2011 in Fix, How-To, Mac, Maintenance, Tips |

How to fix Lost Connection of Magic Mouse   TIPS THAT WILL HELP How many times has this happened to you while using your (original, version 1) Apple Magic Mouse? All of a sudden it just freezes up. You can’t move the cursor. Dead. Uh oh! On your screen pops up the dreaded error message….”Lost Connection”. […]

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Text too small in browser?

Posted by promacnyc on August 4, 2011 in How-To, Mac, Maintenance, Tips |

A lot of my clients complain about text being too small in their browser, whether its Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome… Many ask me if I can “change the font size” for them and make it bigger. The answer is actually quite simple. All browsers have this Built-In already: there’s a Keyboard Shortcut command that makes […]

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What is “Cloud Computing”?

Posted by promacnyc on July 31, 2011 in Backup, Mac, News, software, Software Updates, Tips, Uncategorized |

You may heard the term ‘Cloud Computing’ in the news lately. What does it mean? This image is a good illustration. The term ‘Cloud Computing’ refers to an imaginary “cloud in the sky” – actually servers on the internet – a theoretical “place” where you upload your files to, then access them wherever you are. This […]

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Hard Drive Problems

Posted by promacnyc on July 11, 2011 in Backup, Fix, How-To, Mac, Maintenance, Tips |

One of the worst things that can happen to a computer owner is to experience problems with your hard drive. If you experience even a minor problem you should not ignore it, but investgate it asap. Some problems can be fixed fairly easily early on (even with Apple’s Disk Utility for example) but like a tooth ache […]

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