“Creating a Website needs both Art and Science”
– Frank Lloyd Wright
(Ok, ok maybe the great architect never actually said that, but if websites existed in his time he just might have)
I can design a nice website for you or your business with Art and Science…and without it costing you and arm and a leg!
Having a website these days is pretty much a must. Its a crucial way of giving people the ability to get information about you or your business. Also being able to control your “online presence”. If you have a website it makes it easy for clients or customers (and most important, potential customers) to find you easily. Having a site will help you in ways you may not realize. Having a website will be prove invaluable, and in the long run, probably pay for itself many times over.
Don’t even know where to begin about getting a website off the ground? No problem, just get in touch. I can help you, find out what your needs are and explain options, and design something customized and specific for you, not something generic and off the rack. I will make sure you have the proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so people can find your site. And do it all at an affordable price. Already have a website but have some issues? Maybe we can help you, so get in touch.
Please take a look at some of the web sites I’ve done for all kinds of different clients:
- Eileen Pollack, Author
- John Meyer’s Musical, Nora Blake
- Legendary Photog Carl Fischer (in progress)
- Farancz Art Conservation Studio
- Dr. Bennett Roth, Phd, Therapist
- Philip Kadish, Phd, Writer & Teacher
- Appelbaum and Himmelstein, Art Conservators
- Barbet Schroeder, Film Director
- Janis Goberman Design Studio
- Amanda Sullivan, Architecture Studio
- Ken Sullivan, Musician/Composer/Pianist
- Barbara Appelbaum, Author
- Happening Africa, Isabel Wilcox’s African Art Blog
- Mark G Chalpin, Attorney
- Don Scotti, Musician
- Zoey’s Story, Dog Rescue
- Protected Paws, Dog Rescue
- Jane Scovell, Author (archived)
- Petko Staynov; Music & Legacy
- Brinton Brewster, Interior Designer
- Lavender Door Days, Tales of a Theater Director
We can do any kind of website, from an inexpensive “starter page” with just basic contact info, to a full multi-page website with a customized look. Sometimes its good to get things rolling with a domain name and a single page “placeholder site” up so that you can start to build web presence before you may be ready to go ahead with a full website. In fact, if you can’t afford or are not quite ready for a full site we suggest getting a starter page up as a good way and at reasonable cost, to gain some web presence and Google ranking. Later, when you are ready to do your “full” site, the search engines already have your info, saving you months of waiting to build web presence. We handle: design, coding, branding, logos, domain names, hosting solutions, blogs, wordpress sites and themes… so whatever your specific needs are, just get in touch to discuss it.
If you are thinking about a website, get in touch for a free phone consultation.
Phone: (212) 873-2390 Email: promac99 (at)
(hint : use @ symbol; thats to prevent spam)