Why you should not charge your iPhone to 100%
Most people don’t realize that to get the maximum life out of of their battery in their iPhone (or other phone) you should not just charge it all the way to 100%. Actually you should not charge it past the 80% mark. Oh and try to never let it run down all the way either; […]
How to right click on a Mac (and why you should know)
Knowing how you can Right Click on a Mac is something I would say everyone should know how to do. There are times that a right click can bring up useful time saving commands. For just one quick example, I use right click all the time from my browser when I’m reading something and want […]
Fake “Norton Subscription Notice” Emails
I sometimes get these Spam emails that tell the user about some subscription, typically Norton. Here is the copy of an attachment in a typical email sent to my email address. Since I use Gmail I don’t really see these much, they generally get marked as Spam. Occasionally one gets into “other mail” but not […]
RE: “Important policy changes for Google Account storage” (Do Some Cleanup Help)
If you have a Google / Gmail account you probably got this message recently to Dear Google User regarding “Important policy changes for Google Account storage”. Google is changing some policies about storage. We are writing to let you know that we recently announced new storage policies for GoogleAccounts using Gmail, Google Drive (including Google Docs, […]
How to use Google Photos to back up your iPhone photos for FREE !
Did you know that you can get FREE backup protection from ever losing your photos? If your phone gets lost, stolen, falls in the toilet, gets run over by a truck, etc….. you can just get the GOOGLE PHOTOS app, which is free and comes with unlimited free storage for ALL your photos, on all […]
How to backup your iPhone photos using Google Photos (FREE!)
Excellent piece in Macworld explaining how to backup all your iPhone’s photos using the Google Photos (free) app. Very easy to follow. Click the link or image to read on Macworld. https://www.macworld.com/article/3429589/how-to-use-google-photos-to-backup-your-iphone.html
The best way to organize your digital photos
Organizing and storing all your digital photos can be confusing, even over whelming! To help I am reposting a link to Gizmodo’s excellent post on this topic (link) : “Field guide” on “The Best Way To Organize All Your Digital Photos” Reading this guide will probably help you and is a great place to start […]
How to format an external hard drive for use with a Mac
How to format an external hard drive for use with a Mac Most external hard drives you buy will come out of the box pre-formatted for a Windows computer (NTFS). If you have a Mac you should format the drive for your Mac first thing, before you start using it. This is not hard to do, […]
How to clean up your iPhone when it has run out of space
A lot of people find out that their iPhone or iPad has run of of space and they have no idea why this is, or what to do about it. Simply put, your iPhone or iPad is not something with infinite space. When you got it, it came with a certain amount of storage space […]