Why everyone needs to own a wired mouse

Posted by jadmin on June 14, 2021 in Fix, Hardware, How-To, Mac, software, Tips |

Why do I suggest that everyone have a wired USB mouse somewhere “just in case for emergencies”? The answer is simple. Once in a blue moon it can be a life-saver and save you a lot of time trying to get your normal wireless mouse working when that goes wonky.

So I consider having even an old wired mouse a necessity and I recommend to all my customers that they get a cheap wired mouse to have in  drawer “just in case”. A wired mouse can speed up fixing the occasional (wireless) mouse problem that might stem from a connection or battery problem that your normal wireless mouse might be having. This gives you a “back door” and an easy way to fix a wireless mouse problem, and if you can’t fix your mouse you are up the creek without a paddle. I can’t tell you how many times a year I yell “ARGH!?!W#%#” at my wireless mouse which suddenly stops working. When that happens I reach into my “computer junk drawer” and fish out my wired mouse, plug it in and use it to fix the connection and reconnect my apple bluetooth magic mouse which sometimes goes wonky. Or for when I forgot to charge the batteries, and my mouse suddenly goes dead and I find I have no fresh batteries! With the wired mouse you can fix this in a few seconds, then switch back to the wireless one. It can really save you time and some hassle, just having one for the rare occasion you might need one.

Amazon used to have one a $5 “Amazon Basics Wired Mouse” but its now about double that; Here’s one of the cheapest wired USB mice I can find on Amazon.


So how to use a wired mouse to fix your wireless one (in Mac OS)? Plug it in so you can now open Bluetooth settings in System Preferences and select your wireless mouse in the list and click “Connect”. That should do it (make sure it’s charged of course)

Without one, you can wait ten minutes for the mouse to be recognized and sometimes it never gets recognized…..

“You’re welcome”!


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