What is Streaming?

Posted by promacnyc on January 29, 2019 in Mac, Streaming, television, Tips, TV/Video |

Unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock the last few years, you have probably heard the word “streaming”. Still perhaps you are not exactly sure what is meant by the term, “Streaming” ?

Have ever watched a YouTube video on your computer or your smartphone? Or maybe watched a Netflix movie on your laptop? Well that’s Streaming. Streaming Video means video content delivered for consumption over the Internet, not via cable tv or over the air (OTA).

Recently streaming has become a hugely popular way enjoy TV shows and movies because streaming lets you watch what you want, when you want to. You don’t have to wait for a download to finish, your DVR to record, or the show you want to see to come on the air. Its all “on demand”.

If you are old enough to remember the phrase “appointment TV” you may remember it sometimes meant staying home just to watch a show. Yes believe or not people used to do this! In 1975 when “Saturday Night Live” was a brand new, must-see TV show that everyone was talking about, people actually changed going out Saturday night. You either stayed home or came home early sometimes with friends to be home at 11:30 so you could watch “Saturday Night Live”.  Even in 2004 when “LOST” was on TV, to me and millions of like-minded Losties, Wednesday night meant “LOST”. We could not wait for the next episode of Lost to be on, and we had to wait a whole week! LOST was a perfect example of so-called “appointment” TV as well as a “water cooler show” meaning the next day at the water cooler at work people would be obsessively talking about the episode that was on the night before and what it meant.

With Streaming all of this has completely changed. You can watch entire Seasons of your favorite show… If you are crazy, many seasons in one day (Battlestar Galactica – just one more episode?) The word these days in “bingeable”. Example A….


My tool for Streaming is:

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