Twitter Account Hacked?

Posted by promacnyc on January 19, 2011 in How-To, News, software, Tips |

I recently just got multiple messages from Twitter friends with spurious “direct messages” saying things like, “Win a new iPhone!!!”. As they certainly did not send me these messages themselves, it meant one thing: Their Twitter account was compromised (hacked).

What should you do if this happens to you? Besides the obvious thing of changing your password (and making it “strong” if you know what that means!) Twitter Support recommends checking your “Connections” in your Account and Revocking Access to other websites applications. I just looked at mine, and found 7 things with access. A few I wasn’t even aware of like “ABC.com” and “Huffingtion Post”. I revoked access to just about everytihing except the “twitter for mac” app I know I installed.

So check your “Connections” in your Twitter account periodically. Possible these might have a weak link and let a hacker in somehow.

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  • jen b says:

    Hi Jed
    I checked my connections and I only had three, all three legit. One for facebook, one for twitter mobile, and one for facebook twitter–which seemed to be an upgraded version of the previous one. I revoked access for that one, but I think the real reason I might have been compromised was the ping back on my cyclists international, and I am still not sure how.

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