More “How not to get scammed”

Posted by jadmin on May 14, 2024 in How-To, News, Scams, Tips, Uncategorized |

This is a copy of another recent email I came across in my SPAM folder. It got filtered out as Spam but I am copying the text just in case for people to see what these types of Scams look like. Everything is fake. It is designed to appear as an invoice from Life Lock […]

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HOW TO NOT GET SCAMMED (Phishing Email Attachment from “Geek Squad”)

Posted by jadmin on April 17, 2024 in How-To, Mac, News, Scams, Tips |

How do you not get scammed? You have to have your antenna up at all times. For example: This is a typical Phishing attempt, an email you get which has an attachment. This is one I actually got which I am showing so if you see something like this, you are aware of it and […]

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Fake Emails: Phishing campaign targets Google Docs, Drive users

Posted by promacnyc on March 17, 2014 in Tips |

I’ve been seeing this a few times now where I get an email with a Client’s name or someone I know with subject heading like: “”I’ve Shared A Document” or “Important Doc File”. The body of the email has a link to click on. It looks legit – BUT ITS NOT! DON’T CLICK ON IT. They are […]

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