Steve Jobs, R.I.P.

Posted by promacnyc on October 7, 2011 in Mac, News, Uncategorized |

No matter that at the back of my mind, I knew the inevitability that Steve Jobs would die from the pancreatic cancer he had battled with for about 5 years, one day. Still, when I saw the news he had passed away, I actually yelled out loud to no one, “Oh no!”. I instantly checked Twitter, and Google News for the story. The news resonated. And resonated, like a stone dropped in water, it traveled far and wide, so fast. I started to read the ever gathering Press on the story, on Jobs, on his accomplishments. Everything.

I found myself very affected by Steve Job’s death. More affected than I thought. But then again, so much of my life has been affected by Apple and its products, and so in one way or another my life was influenced by Steve Jobs. I am not alone. I think Millions of people felt this way. I saw this sentiment on Twitter and elsewhere over and over. 

Here’s one tweet I ReTweeted: 

“@aplusk: I never thought I could be so busted up about the loss of someone I never met. #stevejobs”

These are the Apple computers and products I’ve owned over the years: an Apple II ci, Quadra-700, Power Computing Power Tower Pro (during the clone years), a blue/grey G4 Desktop, G4 Dual 500, then a G4 Dual 1.2, a G3 bronze laptop, a Powerbook G4 Titanium laptop, a G5 Mac Pro, original iPod 5G, the original iMac G3 DV, original Mac Mini G4, a 30G iPod, an iBook, a Macbook, an aluminum iMac Intel 20”, an iMac 21.5”, the original iPhone a client gave me she had dropped, 2 Airport Expresses, a Time Capsule… the list goes on and on.

(to be continued…)

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