Snow Leopard: Its Here! (with photos)

Posted by promacnyc on August 28, 2009 in Mac, News, Software Updates |

Just got it, day of release. Here’s a photo of the actual box, front and back, US release. So the images (see post below) of the Portuguese release were very close. You might notice the Apple logo was missing on the Portuguese box front? The DVD Installer Disk looks identical to the previous photo posted. As a side note, my only complaint so far is that the box had no way to “easy open”, its glued shut on all sides, so I had to cut the box open, which I was not keen on as we all know how well designed Apple products are that most people actually keep the Apple packaging, yours truly too. How many products do you know that are so beautfully designed and packaged that you want to keep the box it comes with? (Tiffany’s?) That is Design.

The “build” of the Snow Leopard DVD release: 10.6 (10A432). Of course I will test out; and hopefully post about in next day or so.

(ps..Naturally to be safe I made sure to do a Time Machine backup prior to the install, of course!)



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