Safari – Amazon Video – Flash issue

Posted by promacnyc on September 15, 2018 in Fix, How-To, Mac, Streaming, Tips, TV/Video |

Safari + Amazon Video issue


I use Safari, Chrome and Firefox browsers. I would say though I use Safari most of the time as my main primary browser. Its got quite a few nice features, the prime one for me being  it’s“READER VIEW”  mode. I use this constantly to make the reading of online articles far easier to read by by “de-crapifying” them.

However one thing’s been bugging me about Safari – the problems I have had with Amazon Prime Video. Safari 11 and later version have disabled Flash for security reasons and every time I tried to watch a video from Amazon Prime in Safari, it gives you the “blocked Plug-In” screen for Flash. Even turning on Flash for Amazon didn’t seem to work. So my workaround is I just go to Chrome, load that page, and it works fine with Prime Video



Today however I figured enough is enough why can’t I get Safari to work with this site? I thought I would spend five minutes on the problem and search around to figure out how to fix the issue with Amazon video and Safari. Going through Amazon’s Help page for video issues, I noted that they say Safari may need to have Silverlight installed. Silverlight?  Isn’t that from the Stone Age?  I haven’t used or heard much about Microsoft’s Silverlight in years. Never the less, I went to MS’s site and downloaded and installed Silverlight

Restarted Safari, tried to watch something in Amazon Prime Video and sure enough it now works.

So if you are having this issue, you can just install Silverlight. Try it and see if it works for you too.


(Safari 11, Mac OS 11 up)


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