RE: “Important policy changes for Google Account storage” (Do Some Cleanup Help)

Posted by jadmin on December 10, 2020 in Fix, How-To, Maintenance, Tips |

If you have a Google / Gmail account you probably got this message recently to Dear Google User regarding “Important policy changes for Google Account storage”. Google is changing some policies about storage.

We are writing to let you know that we recently announced new storage policies for GoogleAccounts using Gmail, Google Drive (including Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, and Jamboard files) and/or Google Photos that bring us in line with industry practices. Since you have previously used one or more of these products in your GoogleAccount storage, we wanted to tell you about the new policies well before they go into effect on June 1, 2021.

So this may be a good time to do some Google / Gmail Clean Up with your Google One Storage:
Go to Google One Storage (you can click on GoogleAccount storage link above). First see how much storage you are using of your allotted space. Dig around a bit, and scroll down to where it says “FREE UP ACCOUNT STORAGE”

See whats taking up space. Google will show you large attachments in your Gmail which you can examine (look for big storage, 4-10 MB and up) Decide if there is anything you don’t really need and check the box to dump some messages and attachments. Once you have selected a few items, scroll to the top and look for a little Garbage Can icon. Clicking on that you will get a “are you sure” you want to delete message. If you say yes, it will delete these big items and you can free up space. You can do this bit by bit, or do a whole bunch at a time. You can scroll through the list and look for Ginormous ones first off course (20MB and up)

Don’t want to lose anything (you hoarder!!) Well then for $1.99 a month you can up your storage from Free to Paid and get 100GB. First though you may want to see what big things you may not need….

Hope this PRO TIP helps!


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