How to clean up your iPhone when it has run out of space

Posted by promacnyc on August 4, 2015 in Backup, How-To, Mac, Maintenance, Tips |


A lot of people find out that their iPhone or iPad has run of of space and they have no idea why this is, or what to do about it.iphone

Simply put, your iPhone or iPad is not something with infinite space. When you got it, it came with a certain amount of storage space (16GB or 32GB or 64GB, etc) and that is what you have to work with. All the stuff you have -apps you’ve installed, the photos you’ve taken, songs, podcasts, etc, etc – They all add up, and over time you may find you filled your device right up to the brim.

So what to do when your iPhone has run out of room? Just like a closet that has run out of room, you have to do some CLEAN UP. Clean it out and make some space.  OK, how?

Watch this very useful video on BUSINESS INSIDER which describes what you can do to fix this and clean out your device to make some room, fast. Follow it carefully. Then you’ll be good to go and have some more empty space on your device!

TIP – Before you do anything be sure to backup your device to your computer (via iTunes) -or- at the very least to iCloud from the phone or iTunes!!




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