Should I turn on Filevault?

Posted by promacnyc on December 11, 2018 in Mac |

Should you turn on FileVault on your Mac?

Many of my customers I’ve found seem to have no idea that they turned on Mac’s encryption software called “FILEVAULT_2”. In fact, most of my clients, and probably many Mac users who have FileVault turned ON didn’t realize they set it to ON as this usually happens either when you’re first setting up a new Mac, or maybe you just upgraded the OS to a later version and it at some point it says “Turn on Encryption?” 

Some people just click YES without knowing what that really means and the ramifications of file encryption for the Average Joe, not Jason Bourne. Off the top of my head, I’d say 90 per cent of average users don’t need to turn on encryption (though possibly Jason Bourne, some lawyers and doctors might want it ?)

It can cause more trouble than its worth under certain situations.Therefore I would suggest you NOT turn it on as if you somehow you forget the Master Password that you create when you setup Filevault encryption you could be forever screwed in certain situations, such as needing data recovery, some account problems, or upgrading/replacing the hard drive and you can’t remember what that password you created two years ago was. Without it you can not unlock that drive, no way no how. This is actually quite common, years after the fact when they now need to unlock the drive I’ve asked people what password they used for FileVault….many look at me and say “huh, what’s Filevault”?!

If your disk is Encrypted by FileVault your computers hard drive is locked (encrypted). That was the whole point right? If you didn’t write down the password somewhere where you will find it if you ever need it, there is basically NO WAY you can unlock the drive in an emergency situation. I have had a dozen people who I ask, do you know what password your used look at me like I’m speaking Greek and say, “I have no idea”. Then I tell them there is no way I can get into your drive that has a problem now, without that password. End of story. So in my opinion I suggest you don’t turn on Filevault (unless you work for the CIA of course). Check and see if FILEVAULT is set to ON (System Preferences/Security) which again you may have done in haste with Apple’s nudge in that direction. If it is ON then I suggest you TURN FILEVAULT OFF (in the same Preference pane setting. You will need to unlock with the password you set for this. Don’t know it? Like I said, then you are stuck my friend. FYI – TURNING OFF FILEVAULT may take many hours to decrypt your drive’s files, so do this when you have time, or do overnight, plugged in and keep the cover open. As always, backup your computer with Time Machine before you make ANY changes, just in case.



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