More “How not to get scammed”

Posted by jadmin on May 14, 2024 in How-To, News, Scams, Tips, Uncategorized |

This is a copy of another recent email I came across in my SPAM folder. It got filtered out as Spam but I am copying the text just in case for people to see what these types of Scams look like. Everything is fake. It is designed to appear as an invoice from Life Lock […]

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HOW TO NOT GET SCAMMED (Phishing Email Attachment from “Geek Squad”)

Posted by jadmin on April 17, 2024 in How-To, Mac, News, Scams, Tips |

How do you not get scammed? You have to have your antenna up at all times. For example: This is a typical Phishing attempt, an email you get which has an attachment. This is one I actually got which I am showing so if you see something like this, you are aware of it and […]

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Why you should not charge your phone to 100%

Posted by jadmin on February 17, 2024 in Fix, Hardware, How-To, iPhone, Maintenance, Tips |

Most people don’t realize that to get the maximum life out of of their battery in their iPhone (or other phone) you should not just charge it all the way to 100%. Actually you should not charge it past the 80% mark. Oh and try to never let it run down all the way either; […]

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How to right click on a Mac (and why you should know)

Posted by jadmin on January 17, 2024 in Mac, Maintenance, News, software, Software Updates, Tips |

Knowing how you can Right Click on a Mac is something I would say everyone should know how to do. There are times that a right click can bring up useful time saving commands. For just one quick example, I use right click all the time from my browser when I’m reading something and want […]

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$40 Lifetime License deal for Microsoft Office! Mac or PC

Posted by jadmin on March 24, 2023 in Mac, News, software, Tips |

Apple gives it’s users Pages for free. Still many people just feel they must have Microsoft Word, though a few free alternatives exist. Many of those people are now paying Microsoft $99 a year for Office 365; What a rip off. Imagine, in only five years time that you will have paid Microsoft about $500 […]

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Review of Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K MAX

Posted by jadmin on November 9, 2022 in Hardware, Streaming, television, Tips, TV/Video, Uncategorized |

This is a fast review of the Amazon Fire TV 4K Max streaming stick. This is my 3rd Fire TV stick I’ve owned, the last one being a Fire TV stick 4K, the model just under this new “Max” version. While the “Max” is not a huge upgrade over my 2 year old “4K” stick, […]

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Why everyone needs to own a wired mouse

Posted by jadmin on June 14, 2021 in Fix, Hardware, How-To, Mac, software, Tips |

Why do I suggest that everyone have a wired USB mouse somewhere “just in case for emergencies”? The answer is simple. Once in a blue moon it can be a life-saver and save you a lot of time trying to get your normal wireless mouse working when that goes wonky. So I consider having even an old […]

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RE: “Important policy changes for Google Account storage” (Do Some Cleanup Help)

Posted by jadmin on December 10, 2020 in Fix, How-To, Maintenance, Tips |

If you have a Google / Gmail account you probably got this message recently to Dear Google User regarding “Important policy changes for Google Account storage”. Google is changing some policies about storage. We are writing to let you know that we recently announced new storage policies for GoogleAccounts using Gmail, Google Drive (including Google Docs, […]

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Microsoft Office on Apple M1 Macs

Posted by jadmin on December 8, 2020 in Hardware, How-To, IOS, M1, Mac, Tips |

I had a client recently who bought a new M1 Macbook Pro. He needed some help because he said his MS Office / Word application running on his M1 and Big Sur would not authenticate. I screen shared with him and we tried to uninstall and reinstall MS Office and still would not authenticate. Office […]

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