I like ALFRED !!

Posted by promacnyc on September 24, 2011 in How-To, Mac, software, Tips |


 Like? Actually no, I confess,  I LOVE ALFRED ! 




And for good reason! Alfred, your “Butler” Mac App is easy to love. Once you get used to using it you can’t live without it.  I know I can’t live without it. I use it constantly.

Many Mac users have a hard time finding applications if they are not on the Dock. Alfred is just the ticket for this. Its an App that you can download (free) from the Mac App store or from the developer’s website.

What is it? ALFRED is an Application Launcher for Mac OS X.  Set it up, then whenever you want to open an application instead of searching for it in Applications, or looking for it on the dock, or using Spotlight, all you do is bring up Alfred (tap, tap) and start to type what you are looking for (my activation setting is the Option Key double tap …and make sure its set to Login On Startup).

Then, want to open Safari? Type “saf”. hit the return key. done: much quicker and easier than using your mouse. Want to open Gmail? I type “G” and get “open gmail”; hit return; boom; it loads. Thats easy. So once you get used to using Alfred, you can do more just with the keyboard and less with your mouse.

Now I used to use GOOGLE QUICK SEARCH BOX to do the exact same things and I still have it installed. I just am now using ALFRED more than QSB.

Occasionally Alfred “misses” what you are looking for. In this case, I try QSB to search for the match. I also use SPOTLIGHT of course. But Alfred works great 98% of the time to run apps, search the Web, search Wikipedia and Amazon, and so much more (like find documents for you, and websites)

Everyone I’ve told Alfred about, also falls in love with it too. So check it out. Go to the APP STORE (under the Apple Menu – you need an itunes store/apple id account of course) or from the developers site (linked above)

btw; see my other post; the tip about using Alfred to fix your mouse “lost connection” problem FAST!


UPDATE: Since I wrote this, Alfred has past version one and now is ALFRED v2. Update your’s if still using v1.

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